Body Massages

Massage is a form of complementary and alternative medicine, is now offered alongside standard medical treatments, such as cancer treatment. Benefits of massage include stress relief, pain management and boosting immunity. Massaging the face not only brings those benefits to a localized area, but it offers rejuvenating and skin-nourishing benefits as well.

Number of sessions: 3 Weekly Sessions

Duration: 25 Minutes

Pain Level: 0/10

Consultation Needed: Yes

Practitioner Certified

Appointment Needed

For thousands of years, people the world over have recognized the health benefits of massage. Massage is a form of complementary and alternative medicine, is now offered alongside standard medical treatments, such as cancer treatment. Benefits of massage include stress relief, pain management and boosting immunity. Massaging the face not only brings those benefits to a localized area, but it offers rejuvenating and skin-nourishing benefits as well.

Body Massage is the scientific treatment of soft tissues of the human body.Massage therapists typically use their hands and fingers for massage, but may also use their forearms, elbows and even feet. Massage may range from light stroking to deep pressure.

Massage bring about effects on the nervous system, the circulatory system, the muscular system and the lymphatic system.
Massage causes three significant changes in the body. Massage therapy stretches and loosens muscles, stimulates blood flow, aids in metabolic waste removal and increases oxygen levels in the blood.

Physical, Physiological and Psychological
  • Physical changes appears in skin shade, decrease the tension, toning of the skin while aiding sleep.
  • Physiological changes comprise nourishment, improved circulation and cellular activity.The stimulation of muscles relaxes nerves, eliminate waste and fluid and enhance metabolism.
  • Psychological changes contain a sense of well-being, relief of tension in the mind and a reduction of aches and pains.


Body Massages

Massage is a form of complementary and alternative medicine, is now offered alongside standard medical treatments, such as cancer treatment. Benefits of massage include stress relief, pain management and boosting immunity. Massaging the face not only brings those benefits to a localized area, but it offers rejuvenating and skin-nourishing benefits as well.

Massage TreatmentPriceTime (Minutes)
Face, neck & shoulderยฃ10.0015 minutes
Back massageยฃ15.0025 minutes
Foot & lover legsยฃ15.0025 minutes
Indian Head massageยฃ20.0030 minutes
Hot Stone Massageยฃ55.0060 minutes
Full Body Massageยฃ40.0060 minutes